KneadAce Sourdough Starter Culture Re-activation

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Empty contents of Sourdough Starter packet into your jar and add 2 ounces of lukewarm filtered water to the jar. Stir until sourdough starter chips are completely covered with water. Place lid loosely on jar (or use a cloth cover) and let starter sit for approximately 3 hours, stirring 4 times during those 3 hours.For best results, surrounding temperature should be between 75f to 82f (see Q&A for details)


1st Feed: Once mixture is smooth, add 2 ounces of Unbleached All-Purpose Flour into your jar. Mix until all combined to a thick dough.Cover jar loosely and place somewhere warm if you can (approximately 75-85 degrees) or room temperature is fine too (it may just take your starter a little longer to "wake up" in cooler temperatures, and that's ok). Wait 24 hours.




24 hours after step 2, it's time to feed your starter again. Add 3 ounces. Unbleached All-Purpose Flour & 3 ounces of filtered water. Mix gently and cover loosely again. Wait 24 hours.




After 24 hours: Empty (aka Discard) 6oz. of your active starter, replacing with 3 ounces of lukewarm filtered water and 3 ounces of Unbleached All-Purpose Flour, mix gently until combined. Wait for the starter to double in volume (around 8 hours).

Don't see any rise yet? no worries, Sometimes it can take a bit longer for the yeast and bacteria to establish a robust fermentation process. Continue with daily discard and feed routine for 2-3 days. If you are still not seeing any rise, contact us and we will sort it out together 

Now you can:

1.use it in recipes


2.leave it on your counter and repeat step 4 once daily


3.Store your starter in your refrigerator (sealed airtight in your jar) and repeat steps 4 twice a week. For any questions or concerns, please contact us

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